Transport Malta Nautical Licence


 Malta Enterprise - Get Qualified Scheme 


This entry-level course aims to teach students to meet minimum standards of competence in basic seamanship & safe boat handling set by Transport Malta.

Course Name:

Basic Seamanship & Safe Boat Handling (TM Nautical Licence)

Course Aim:

  • To give students the required knowledge to be able to operate a vessel in Maltese Territorial Waters- 12NM from a safe haven.
    (Vessel may be a boat or Jet-ski of 30HP or more / up to 24m in length)
  • To reach the minimum standards of competence as set by Transport Malta.
  • For students to become competent in modules covering basic seamanship & practical safe handling techniques.


24 hours covered over 6 days (Part-time) including Practical session.

Monday to Friday – 1700hrs till 2000hrs in class @ MaritimeMT

Saturday – Practical to be coordinated during lessons

The course fee is €200 excluding Transport Malta oral exam & admin fees.

Course Structure

Tuition will be given on the following modules:

  1. General Theory
  2. Basic Coastal Navigation
  3. Operating Vessels at High Speeds
  4. Basic First Aid
  5. Basic Fire Fighting
  6. Launching & Recovery of craft
  7. Boat Handling
  8. Securing to a buoy
  9. Anchoring
  10. Man overboard

Entry Requirements

The Pre-Requisites include:

  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Any individual who intends to follow the course and sit for the Nautical
    Licence examination must present and submit a Medical Fitness certificate when applying with the respective Training Centre and/or Institute. The applicant needs to be certified by his General Practitioner as fit to operate a motor vessel prior to applying for the Basic Seamanship and Safe Boat Handling Course.


Note regarding the International Certificate for the Operators of Pleasure Craft (ICC):

  • Transport Malta has stated that the ICC certificate does not automatically entitle the holder to a Nautical License issued by the Authority, even if the ICC is issued by a training institution in Malta.

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