Claudia Micallef

Are you ready for a maritime adventure?

Martina and Tommy are on the verge of youth. Also on the verge, awaits an unforgettable maritime adventure!

Together with Aunt Nerissa, they voyage in the Mediterranean. This is not just a journey of entertainment, but also of discovery. Between sea and sky, in places they visit and thanks to characters they meet, Martina and Tom make intriguing findings, satisfy cool curiosities, and uncover crazy realities!

What does the sea summon and what waits at the bottom of it? What do the waves and signs unveil? Myths, legends and secrets… will the cousins overcome the confusion and solve the puzzle?

Because only those who brave the unpredictable sea, can understand its mystery…


Claudia Micallef

Lesti għal avventura marittima?

Martina u Tommy huma żewġ adolexxenti fuq l-għatba taż-żgħożija. Fuq l-għatba, tistenniehom ukoll, hemm avventura marittima tal-blieh! Flimkien maz-zija Nerissa, il-kuġini jbaħħru fil-Mediterran. Dan mhux biss vjaġġ ta’ divertiment, imma wkoll ta’ skoperta.

Bejn sema u ilma, kif ukoll fl-artijiet ġodda li jżuru u bis-saħħa tal-karattri li jiltaqgħu magħhom, Martina u Tommy jagħmlu sejbiet intriganti, jaqtgħu kurżitajiet faqgħa u jiskopru realtajiet tal-ġenn!

X’ser jaqla’ l-baħar u x’hemm jistenna fil-fond tiegħu? X’se jġibu magħhom il-mewġ u s-sinjali?

Għajdut, leġġendi u sigrieti… tgħid ser jirnexxilhom jegħlbu l-konfużjoni u jsolvu l-misteru?

Wara kollox, il-baħar żaqqu ratba u rasu iebsa…

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