Crisis Management and Human Behaviour incl. Training for Passenger Safety, Cargo Safety and Hull Integrity STCW A-V/2-2



 Malta Enterprise - Get Qualified Scheme
This course covers the minimum standard of competence for Masters, Chief Mates, Chief Engineers, Second Engineers and other persons assigned immediate responsibilities for embarking and disembarking passengers, for loading, discharging or securing cargo, or for closing hull openings and any other person having responsibility for the safety of passengers in emergency situations on Ro-Ro passenger ships.


A trainee successfully completing the training will be able to: 

  1. Organise the safe movement of vehicles and passengers when embarking and disembarking.

  2. Control all elements of cargo safety and hull integrity.

  3. Monitor and control atmosphere in Ro-Ro cargo spaces.

  4. Organise shipboard emergency procedures.

  5. Optimize use of resources.

  6. Control response to emergencies.

  7. Control passengers and other personnel during emergency situations.

  8. Establish and maintain effective communications.

Course Structure

Knowledge, understanding and proficiency of:

  • Loading and Embarkation Procedures 

  • Carriage of Dangerous Goods

  • Securing Cargoes

  • Stability, Trim and Stress Calculations

  • Opening, Closing and Securing Hull Openings

  • Ro-Ro Deck Atmosphere

  • Ship design, Layout, Emergency Plans, Procedures and Drills

  • Optimisation of Resources

  • Control Response to Emergencies

  • Human Behaviour and Responses

  • Establish and Maintain Effective Communications

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