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Malta Enterprise - Get Qualified Scheme
This course is aimed at officers and ratings who intend to work on oil and/or chemical tankers. It comprises of a basic training programme appropriate to their duties, including oil and chemical tanker safety, fire safety measures and systems, pollution prevention, operational practice and obligations under applicable laws and regulations.
Learning Outcomes
Functional and performance learning outcomes
Upon its successful completion, the trainees will be competent in the following topics:
1. Contribute to the safe cargo operation of oil and chemical tankers,
2. Take precautions to prevent hazards,
3. Apply occupational health and safety precautions and measures,
4. Carry out fire-fighting operations,
5. Respond to emergencies,
6. Take precautions to prevent pollution of the environment from the release of oil or chemicals.
Entry Requirements
To hold a certificate for Basic Safety Training in accordance with provisions of section A-VI/1 of the STCW Code.