Trainee Pilot Induction Training



The Malta Maritime Pilots are specialised Master Mariners piloting all vessels types that visit the busy Maltese Ports.



Dates are set on request, based on the required minimum number of participants.



Certificate of training completion and attendance

Entry Requirements

The Candidates need to be licenced mariners.

Course Structure

The Trainee Pilot Induction Programme, is a training programme which is divided in 4 parts.


Part 1: Trainee Pilot Induction Course.

Part 2: Trainee Pilot Instrumentation & Communication Course.

Part 3: Trainee Pilot Simulation Course.

Part 4: Trainee Pilot On Job Training



Part 1: Trainee Pilot Induction Course and Part 2: Trainee Pilot Instrumentation &  Communication Course – Learning Objectives

The Theoretical Part delivered at MaritimeMT, is one of the most important parts of this Training. It is an induction to the various subjects including International legislation and IMO Resolutions on Pilotage, manoeuvring fundamentals with and without tugs, Instrumentation & Communication training.

These parts of the training help to give a good foundation to all candidates in preparation for the third part.

Part 3, Ship Handling Simulation – Learning Objectives

The third part is carried out at the Ship Simulators housed at MaritimeMT aimed for persons with a good theoretical background of Ship Handling, but with lacking practical experience. The scope of this Training Programme is to help Trainee Pilots develop enough confidence and skills in their job and give them the opportunity to use and be familiar with all manoeuvring tools available like the engine power, rudder, bow/stern thrusters, anchors, tugs and mooring lines.

The introduction of environmental elements introduced will help the candidate appreciate certain actions which may be necessary to be taken during the fourth part, the On Job Training

Part 4; On Job Training – Learning Objectives

Part 4 is a continuation of the simulation Training. In this phase, the Trainee Pilot experiences real pilotage and ship handling training experience onboard ships moving in and out of Maltese Ports. This part of the training offers a good opportunity to learn through the on job training module, where he can compare manoeuvring practices done previously on the simulator, with live manoeuvres, this time with the advantage of having uncontrollable natural elements, real tugs & real main engines.

Ports: Marsaxlokk Port & Valletta Port

Type of Ships visiting Valletta & Marsaxlokk Ports:

  • Container Ships
  • Tankers
  • Bulk Carriers
  • Car Carriers
  • Ro-Ro Ships
  • Passenger Ships
  • Supply Boats
  • Float on, Float off
  • Oil Platforms
  • Navy Ships

The Trainee Pilot will be subject to continuous assessment during the 5 day training and a Certificate of Attendance and Training Completion will be issued.

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