Radio communications certificate of operators – Specifications of minimum standard of knowledge, understanding and proficiency for RT (VHF only) Operators (S.L. 399.35)
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Radio communications certificate of operators – Specifications of minimum standard of knowledge, understanding and proficiency for RT (VHF only) Operators (S.L. 399.35)
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the candidates will have gained the necessary knowledge in the following topics:
- GMDSS equipment carried onboard and their use;
- Messages level of priority
- Frequency Bands & modes of modulation
- Components making a VHF
- Tests & checks
- Guidance on the use of VHF at Sea
- Distress Alerting
- Safety in Battery Compartments
- On completion of this course the trainee shall be familiar with GMDSS procedures, standard communication practices and the way messages are communicated via VHF sets.
- Be knowledgeable about GMDSS equipment.
- Be well familiar with emergency communications.
- Be familiar with the checks and tests to be carried out to GMDSS equipment.
Entry Requirements
No enrolment pre-requisites apply for this training.