Train the Trainer (Training Course for Instructors) STCW A-I/6 and A-I/8


5 days, Tue 22 Apr 08:00 - Sat 26 Apr 16:00


Provided by MaritimeMT
Session information


Session 1
Tue 08:00 AM - 16:00
1 day
    Session 2
    Wed 08:00 AM - 16:00
    1 day
      Session 3
      Thu 08:00 AM - 16:00
      1 day
        Session 4
        Fri 08:00 AM - 16:00
        1 day
          Session 5
          Sat 08:00 AM - 16:00
          1 day
            • €750.00 incl.


             Malta Enterprise - Get Qualified Scheme

            This train the trainer course is intended to provide a useful introduction for those with limited teaching experience and introduce new approaches or serve as a reminder of skills and techniques for those who have been teaching for some time. The trainees will be able to meet the requirements of the STCW Code as specified in sections A-I/6, A-I/8 and the relevant sections of the guidance part of the Code.


            Learning Outcomes

            The learning outcomes on completion of the courses the trainee should be able to:

            • Understand and describe how STCW 2010 requires competence-based training
            • Plan and effective teaching environment
            • Use a range of Teaching methods effectively
            • Using appropriate training aids
            • Produce a relevant lesson plan
            • Evaluate teaching and learning
            • Design a course of study

            Entry Requirements

            Recommended entry requisites to this course is at the discretion of the Training Centre and the respective Authority.

            Trainees wishing to deliver training in the competence standards required by the STCW Convention and Code should already have the necessary technical knowledge and be qualified in the task for which training is to be conducted. The Trainees should be appropriately qualified in the technical aspects of their subject or some of the group of the trainees have had the experience training others and can appraise and/or demonstrate teaching skills.

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