Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations – A-V/1-2


This course is aimed at officers and ratings that have specific duties and responsibilities related to cargo or cargo equipment on liquefied gas tankers. It comprises of a basic training programme appropriate to their duties for working on board liquefied gas tankers.


Upon its successful completion, the trainees will: 

  1.  Be familiarised with the equipment and instrumentation used for cargo handling on a liquefied gas tanker, 
  2. Have a greater awareness of the need of proper planning, the use of checklists and the time scales involved in the various cargo handling operations, 
  3. Have an enhanced awareness in applying proper and safe procedures at all times when carrying out the various operations on board a liquefied gas tanker, 
  4. Improve in their ability to follow procedures and instructions to promote safety and protect the marine environment, 
  5. Have an increased ability to assist and coordinate actions during emergencies. 

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