Various amount of formulae will be covered and at the end of the session participants would be confident on using them in their day to day tasks. The course includes an explanation on how to delve into advanced formulae and how to nest them together. After this session, users will feel more confident to deal with large numbers of data. The session is a practical workshop where participants practice the different functions being taught.
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Intermediate to Advanced Level
Logical formulae including IF, IFNA or IFERROR, goal seek and scenarios manager.
Lookup and reference including VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP and the new function XLOOKUP.
Conditional information including COUNTIF, SUMIF and AVERAGEIF.
Pivot Tables
- Other advanced functions such as pivot tables, basic macros, charts, INDEX and MATCH and more.
What you should bring on the day of the course:
Bring your own laptop and make sure that Microsoft Excel is installed prior to the sessions and as for the version any would do, but ideally version 2016 or Microsoft 365 version 2009.
If there are participants that have MAC operating systems, some shortcuts might be different, so ideally during the session Windows operating system is used.