This FRB course meets the minimum standard of competence to handle and take charge of such boats during or after launch in adverse weather and sea conditions. The Model course used to develop this course is IMO Model course 1.24.
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Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to handle and take charge of fast rescue boats during or after launch in adverse weather and sea conditions, and to operate a fast rescue boat engine.
Trainees will know the correct use of all locating devices, including communication and signaling equipment between the rescue boat and a helicopter and the ship; and how to carry out search patterns.
- Construction and outfit of fast rescue boats and individual items of their equipment
- Construction and outfit of fast rescue boats
- Individual items of equipment
- Particular characteristics and facilities of fast rescue boats
- Navigational and safety equipment available in a fast rescue boat
- Boat equipment
- Navigation equipment
- Safety equipment
- Emergency equipment
- Safety precautions during launch and recovery of a fast rescue boat
- Launching arrangements
- Launching and recovery
- Launching and recovery in rough seas
- Drills in launching and recovery of fast rescue boats
- How to handle a fast rescue boat in prevailing and adverse weather and sea conditions
- Clearing the ship’s side and coming alongside
- Maneuvering at slow speed
- Maneuvering at fast speed
- Boat handling in adverse weather
- Towing
- Pacing and transfer
- Helicopter operation
- Drills in boat handling
- Drills in towing
- Drills in pacing and transfer
- Procedures for righting a capsized fast rescue boat
- Capsize and righting
- Drills in righting a capsized boat
- Search patterns and environmental factors affecting their execution
- Initial information and action
- Search pattern
- Rescuing survivors from the sea
- Casualty care
- Drills in search and rescue
- Assessment of the readiness of fast rescue boats and related equipment for immediate use
- Boat readiness
- Equipment readiness
- Knowledge of the maintenance, emergency repairs, normal inflation, and deflation of buoyancy compartments of inflated fast rescue boats
- Method of starting and operating a fast rescue boat engine and its accessories
- Inboard motor engines
- Outboard motor engines
- Water jet propulsion
- Drills in engine operation
Entry Requirements
For admission to the course seafarers must:
- Be medically fit as per TM IMO Medical requirements; and
- The holder of a Certificate of Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats in accordance with Regulation V1/2, paragraph 1 of STCW.