Mooring Man Induction Course


On completion of this course the trainee should be able to recognize all dangers associated to mooring operation in marine terminal; moreover a candidate will be able to identify crucial principals that he shall follow in order to keep his position safe whilst rendering the maximum possible efficiency to a vessel being moored. Upon successful completion of the training, trainees shall be expected to have gained additional knowledge about the work being carried out be those onboard the vessel.


Expected Learning outcomes

On completion of this course, the candidates will have gained the necessary knowledge in the following topics:

  1. Types of mooring ropes
  2. Sinking ropes and floating ropes
  3. Preparations being done onboard the vessel
  4. Occupational hazards during mooring operations
  5. Situation awareness
  6. Mooring men’s equipment
  7. Typical mooring schemes
  8. Rope handling techniques
  9. Gangway assistance
  10. Gantries and other obstructions
  11. Unmooring
  12. Signals and warnings
  13. Communications by VHF
  14. Common marine terminology
  15. Phonetic Alphabet
  16. Basic Knots
  17. Ship Propulsion
  18. Ship Manoeuvres
  19. Personal protective clothing
  20. In case of emergency

Entry Requirements

Enrolment Standards

  • No enrolment pre-requisites apply for this training.

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