Ultra Large Container Ship Handling Training


To give a high standard of training to Pilots and Masters on obtaining a good knowledge and to enhance their confidence in safely handling ships larger than 300mtrs, for the efficiency of the Port.



Dates are set on request, based on the required minimum number of participants.



Certificate of training completion and attendance

Course Structure

Learning Objectives

  • Giving participants the opportunity to develop confidence and preparation prior to handling of such vessels
  • Candidates can experience and understand the constraints of this type of vessel imposed on port infrastructure and equipment
  • Limitation of such vessels with relation to under keel clearance, wind and current
  • Understand the importance of balancing tug pull power in relation to associated windage on such vessels.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course a candidate will have

  • a better understanding of how Ultra Lange Container Carriers handle inclement weather conditions
  • a better understanding about the weight of such vessels at their deepest draughts and the importance of keeping speed under control
  • a thorough awareness about the windage problems encountered on such vessels

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More Information